Université Toulouse III Paul Sabatier

Since its creation in 1969, Toulouse 3 University has been expanding its offer of multidisciplinary education in the fields of science, health, engineering, technology and sports, developing one of the most important scientific research clusters in France.

LAPLACE is the largest French laboratory in the field of energy conversion and plasmas. Its activities include production, transportation, management, conversion and use of electricity.

The research group "Light & Matter" was established in 1972 to study the science and technology of light sources and lighting systems. Among the various topics: diagnostic and modeling of smart light systems, linked with the environmental impact, the quality of light and the human being perception.
Collaborative projects
TR@NSENER aims to promote collaborative projects between research centers and companies in order to stimulate transnational cooperation, innovation and technological transfer.

About Tr@nsener

Tr@nsener goal is to mobilize the regions in favor of the energy transition allowing the creation of a new SUDOE energy model

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partners Transener

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