Past Events

Kick-Off Meeting of TR@NSENER & 1ST High Level Conference in Toulouse

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 The kick-off meeting of TR@NSENER project was held in Toulouse and was hosted by Toulouse III University Paul Sabatier on October 24th and 25th 2016. During two days, the Steering Committee and the members of the different working groups met to discuss the work plan and organize the actions for the first months.

During the afternoon of the second day, the 1st High Level Conference was organized under the topic: “Smart University campus and energy savings: Examples from Toulouse and Madrid”. In this opportunity, the main project pilot “Open-IoT Solution” for a smart campus is running by the Technical University of Madrid presented by Asunción Santamaria from the center for Energy Efficiency, Virtual Reality, Optical Engineering and Biometry. Also, the Toulouse III University Paul Sabatier presented the two main pilot projects: NeOcampus Demostrator (Marie-Pierre Gleizes, IRIT) and Edreams platform (Marise Bafleur, LAAS-CNRS).

About TR@NSENER project :

This Kick-off meeting is being run as part of the European cooperation Network on Energy Transition in Electricity - TR@NSENER - project. This European project, financed by ERDF funds, and brought to fruition by the consortium led by the French university Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier and which includes the participation of the Foundation for Energy Sustainability (FUNSEAM), the Faculdade de Ciências of the Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL), the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the University of Beira Interior, the CIRCE Foundation, PROMES and the Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA), aims to contribute to transnational cooperation to solve common problems in the southwestern region of Europe, such as exposure to climate change and energy and environmental challenges.

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About Tr@nsener

Tr@nsener goal is to mobilize the regions in favor of the energy transition allowing the creation of a new SUDOE energy model

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