Project description


European cooperation Network on Energy Transition in Electricity

The project was launched to meet the requirements of energy transition,
improving the efficiency of electrical systems.

› General Objective :

The general objective of the TR@NSENER project is to mobilize the regions in favor of the energy transition allowing the creation of a new SUDOE energy model.

The innovative aspect of the project is to create synergies in south-west Europe region between companies, laboratories and technological platforms at the service of companies.


› Specific objectives :

  • Stimulating the regional ecosystems of innovation in favor of the energy transition
  • Promoting the excellence in the training and the capacity of innovation
  • Bringing innovative projects and innovative companies

› Funds :

Project funded by the Interreg Sudoe Programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Image interreg sudoe transener
The Program promotes transnational cooperation to solve common problems in Southwest Europe, such as low investment in research and development, weak competitiveness of the small and medium-sized enterprises and exposure to climate change and environmental risks.
Interreg Sudoe Programme priority axis:
Interreg Sudoe Programme priority axis

Research & Innovation

Collaborative projects
TR@NSENER aims to promote collaborative projects between research centers and companies in order to stimulate transnational cooperation, innovation and technological transfer.

About Tr@nsener

Tr@nsener goal is to mobilize the regions in favor of the energy transition allowing the creation of a new SUDOE energy model

We are from

partners Transener

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