STeHLF - Sustainable Technologies For Healthier Local Food System
VP3 - Virtual Power Plant PRIMEVP3 - Virtual Power Plant PRIME
SMART2B - Smartness to existing Buildings
ZEBO - Zero Emissions Boats
SMARTGEO DHC - Innovation in the SMART operation of hybrid shallow GEOthermal District Heating and/or Cooling Systems
SHIP2FAIR - Solar Heat for Industrial Process towards Food and Agro Industries commitment in Renewables
SaRa -  Smart Rehabilit Action
RES4Buildings - Empowering building users and energy experts into the transition to Renewable Energy Share and Efficiency
RENAISSANCE - RENewAble Integration and SuStainAbility iN energy CommunitiEs
REFEREE - Retailer of the future: from commodity provider to energy services provider for residential consumers
POCITYF - A Positive Energy CITY Tranformation Framework
PALA - Permanent Lifelong Adaptation of Intelligent IoT Systems with a non finalistic approach
INTERPRETER - Interoperable tools for an efficient management and effective planning of the electricity grid
INSULAE - Maximizing the impact of innovative energy approaches in the EU islands
EMPORIA4KT - Empower academia for technology transfer for value creation in the Atlantic Area
EERES4WATER - Promoting Energy-water Nexus resource efficiency through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
BIGSMAPP - Big Data for the Deployment of Smart Grids and New Applications in the Electricity Distribution Sector
BAMBOO - Boosting new Approaches for flexibility Management By Optimizing process Off-gases and waste use
IDENTITY - Experimental-based Innovation on ICT Digital tools for Energy Efficiency using multivariable behavioural models
HOPE - HOlistic solutions to Preserve the Ecosystem using bio-plastics for sustainable land and sea products
GreenBeam - Lighting the way towards a greener futureGreenBeam - Lighting the way towards a greener future
GECO - Geothermal Emission Gas Control
FLEXIGRID - Interoperable solutions for implementing holistic FLEXIbility services in the distribution GRID
EFYDROFLEX - Efficient Hydropower Generation for Flexibility in the Electricity Grid
CONTINGENCY - CONTaINerised renewable electricity GENeration for off-grid Communities as a plug & plaY solution
BEBIG - Breaking Energy Barriers Through Interoperable Grids and homes

About Tr@nsener

Tr@nsener goal is to mobilize the regions in favor of the energy transition allowing the creation of a new SUDOE energy model

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partners Transener

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